Our Sales, GTM and LinkedIn consultants will jointly review your unique needs and recommended curated strategies.
This assessment will be undertaken in a coordinated manner with your lead project manager reviewing and drafting observations and recommendations.
Based on the assessment review findings, a suggested LinkedIn strategy with tactical steps and associated services will be proposed.
Our Strategy recommendations will detail the services to be delivered and the cost and timing of each planned delivery roll-out.
Our sales, GTM and LinkedIn consultants will work with your team to research the Ideal Customer Profile that should be targeted as a part of your outreach campaigns.
Constituent groups and list selection criteria will be researched in detail in order to target and connect with the most relevant buyers/investors. LinkedIn, cell phone, and email details will be delivered for these ICP lists.
A personalized, organic outreach campaign must reflect the corporate and executive’s voice and messaging to be authentic.
Our marketing consultants will craft the suggested messaging and cadence for our omni-channel outreach campaigns in your voice, with your key value propositions.
Corporate and/or executive profiles will be reviewed in detail and upgraded by our LinkedIn consultants to ensure your first impression with buyers is your best.
Best-practice upgrades will create credibility and trust with the buyers reviewing and following your profiles.
Video, Posts, Carousels, Broadcasts The posting content delivered by your founder is a key reflection of the overall brand and personality reflected by your SaaS. The challenge is finding time to create compelling content that is in keeping with your corporate themes and messaging. Our team of professional writers will craft weekly content for posting based on your objectives, improving your reputation, personal brand, and followers.
Most SaaS firms are not even aware that there are specific posting formats, content, and layouts that directly impact how posts are shared by LinkedIn and distributed via the LinkedIn algorithm. Our LinkedIn consultants know the criteria that enable posts to perform at their very best. These consultants will train your team on these posting nuances and boost your post readership and comment results.
Amplify AI’s video production specialists will provide detailed assistance and training on best practices. Courses include “Live Production Broadcasts”, “In-person Interview Training” and Testimonial Client Video Production. Our team will work with you directly on any or all of these video techniques, delivering real production content while also training your team to be self-sufficient in these production techniques within 30 days or less.
Amplify AI’s team of AI sales enablement consultants will train your team on four key sales and marketing techniques that will expedite and improve your posting and outreach results within LinkedIn.
Based on the assessment and strategy developed by our teams, Amplify can assign virtual team members to your programs. Daily mailbox upkeep, BDR-type meeting cultivation and campaign management can each be undertaken by virtual team members - acting as an assistant, or communicating directly through your persona.
Power your messaging efforts in LinkedIn with a concise microsite for interested connections. We'll create a compelling microsite and link for your business to attach to your LinkedIn messages automatically. Any LinkedIn connection can then quickly learn more about your business and book a meeting time with a single click within your LinkedIn messaging.
Amplify offers an automated service to monitor all inbound visitors to your websites to identify the individuals who have visited your sites and viewed your materials. Knowing the specifics of this visitor traffic positions you to quickly follow-up on every interested opportunity and to analyze the characteristics of the traffic being attracted.
Amplify delivers comprehensive email outreach services powered by our database of over 700 million contacts and outreach automation.
Targeted emails are available in a specified cadence or to promote a singular event. Weekly campaigns via email will quickly accelerate your LinkedIn efforts and overall selling results.
Amplify offers an innovative and seamless CRM solution integrated to your outreach campaigns and online meetings.
Simplify your meeting transcriptions, video recordings, AI generated follow-ups, and next action recaps or emails via our AI driven automation, to auto-generate these meeting recaps and include them within your CRM of choice
Monthly Meetings with your assigned account manager to evaluate progress achieved and all actions, campaigns and content needed for the upcoming month’s objectives ensures constant improvement and growth.
Linked Concierge delivers the most advanced AI-driven outreach solution today for your LinkedIn network expansion.
Cultivate an expanded list of connections and meetings over every single outreach channel, including LinkedIn, email, SMS, video email, and even automated voice messages are all available to curate and cultivate your outreach process.
Integrates directly with your CRM solutions to track and pursue opportunities. AI solutions for post-comments, mailbox prioritization, and follow-profile checks will increase your contact and meeting setting production by 10X!
Amplify delivers a full-service partnership to manage your entire LinkedIn ecosystem and presence for less than the cost of an entry-level marketing employee!
Our expertise within the strategies, tools and tactics speeds and ensures your results.
Discover if Amplify AI is a good fit for you, completely risk free.